Friday 10 August 2012


                    Design of Piston
BY Choudhary Ritesh, 24
        Ashish Chaursasia, 18

The piston is a disc which reciprocates within a cylinder and is either moved by or moves the fluid which enters the cylinder. The piston of an I.C engine receives the impulse from the expanding gas & transmits the energy through the connecting rod to the crank.
Piston design is a challenging engineering problem which involves complex physics and requires satisfying multiple performance objectives. Uncertainty in piston operating conditions and variability in piston design variables are inevitable and must be accounted for. The piston assembly can be a major source of engine mechanical friction and cold start noise, if not designed properly.
        I.            GIVEN DATA :
                                      Maximum power=19.03  Ps @8400rpm
                                     = 14 kw

      II.            SOLUTION:
                                   Volume = π/4 d2 *l
                                  219.89=π/4 d2*1.5 d        {Assuming l=1.5d}
                                  219.89=π/4 *1.5 d3

The thickness of the piston head or crown is determined on the basis of strength as well as on the basis of strength as well as on the basis of heat dissipation and the larger of the two values is adopted.
(a)  Thickness(tH) of piston head on the basis of strength
Material Selection:  selecting material for piston as aluminium alloy.
Permissible bending [tensile] stress
σ=50 to 90 MPa
th=σ                                                   {taking p=45kg/cm2  f=500 kg/cm2}
tH=0.78cm=7.8 mm
C= Constant representing that portion of the heat supplied to the engine which is absorbed by the piston.
It varies from 5 to 20 %
HCV= higher calorific value of the fuel  47*103 KJ/BP/hr for petrol
m= Mass of fuel used in kg/BP/sec
H= 0.05*47*103 *41.7*10-6 *14
 =1.37 kW
{Taking c=5%                 m=0.15 kg/BP/hr= 41.7*10-6 kg/BP/sec }
(b)Thickness of piston head on the basis of heat dissipation
                            tH =0.0083m=8.32mm
Taking the larger of two values
              tH=8.32 mm
k= thermal conductivity factor 174.75 W/M/ 
[Tc-Te]=temperature difference  = 75 

Assumption:  (a)  3 compression  rings
                         (b) 1 oil ring
Radial thickness of piston rings  t1 = σ 

                 Taking pw=0.7 kg/cm2
                  σt  =500 kg/cm2
                  t2=0.7t1=0.7*3.88=2.716 mm
        The minimum axial thickness of the piston ring
                tr =D/10nl=6/(10*4)=1.5 mm
                Axial thickness of the piston ring as already calculated [tr=2.7] is satisfactory.
                Distance from the top of the piston to the first ring groove,i.e. width of top land
                                b1=(1 to 1.2)tr = 1.2*8.33=9.99≈1 cm
                Width of the other ring lands
                                b2=(0.75 to 1)t2 =2.7 mm
                The gap between the free ends of ring
                                G1=[3.5 to 4]t1
                                G1=4*3.8=15.2 mm
                Gap when the ring is in the cylinder
                                G2=[0.002 to 0.004] D
                                G2=0.004*6=0.024 cm=0.24mm
4. Piston Barrel
                Radial depth of the piston ring gloves
Maximum thickness of Barrel
                t 3=0.03D+b+4.5
Piston wall thickness towards the open end,
                t 4=0.25 to 0.35 times t3
                t4 =0.30*8.1=2.43mm

5.Piston Skirt
                Let,l=length of the skirt,mm
The maximum side thrust on the cylinder due to gas pressure
Taking µ=0.1
Side thrust due to bearing pressure on the piston barrel (Pb)
                   =0.45*45*l   taking Pb=0.45Mpa
                   =20.25l N
Therefore total length of the Piston
L=length of the skirt + length of the ring section + top land
 L =34.67+[4*1.5+3*2.7]+10=58.77mm

6.Piston Pin
                d0=outside diameter of pin,mm
                l1=Length of pin in the bush of the small end of the connecting rod,mm
                Pb=Bearing pressure at the small end of the connecting rod bushing in N/mm2
                      For bronze bushing=25 N/mm2
Load on the pin due to bearing pressure,
                =Bearing pressure * Bearing Area
                =25d0*0.45*45            [l1=0.45D]
                =506.25 d0 N
Maximum gas load =π/4 (D*D)*P
                                =6.998 KN
therefore 506.25 d0=6998 N
                             d0=13.824 mm ≈14mm
inside diameter of pin d1=0.6*d0
                d1=9 mm

Let the Piston pin be made of heat treated alloy steel for which the bending stress (σb) may be taken as 180 NPa
                To check induced bending stress in pin
Maximum bending moment at center of pin
Also,the maximum bending moment
                93300= π/32[14^4-9^4/14] σb
σb=176.48 N/mm^2
Since the induced bending stress in the pin is less than the permissible value of 180 Mpa.
Therefore, the dimensions for the pin as calculated above (i.e.d0=14 mm & di=9 mm)are satisfactory.

 Design considerations that are considered
1. The piston must have the strength to resist the impulse and inertia forces.
2. Ability to disperse the heat of combustion and avoid thermal distortion.
3. Sealing the gas and oil
4. Sufficient bearing area to work for large number of reciprocating cyles
5. Minimum weight
6. Smooth noiseless operation
7. Provide adequate support for piston pin

1) Introduction to Piston:-
 The piston is a disc which reciprocates within a cylinder and is either moved by or moves the fluid which enters the cylinder. A piston is a component of reciprocating engines, reciprocating pumps, gas compressors and pneumatic cylinders, among other similar mechanisms. It is the moving component that is contained by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by piston rings. In an engine, its purpose is to transfer force from expanding gas in the cylinder to the crankshaft via a piston rod and/or connecting rod. In a pump, the function is reversed and force is transferred from the crankshaft to the piston for the purpose of compressing or ejecting the fluid in the cylinder. In some engines, the piston also acts as a valve by covering and uncovering ports in the cylinder wall.
The Crown:
The crown is the top most part of the piston. It is subjected to high temperature in the combustion space and the surface is liable to eroded/burn away. For this reason material for which is made up of must be able to maintain high strength and resist corrosion at high temperature.
The Ring lands:
Are the reliefs cut into the side profile of the piston where the piston rings sit. The ring lands are typically taller than the ring thickness which allows the rings to move and rotate in the bore. It
also allows combustion pressure to contact the entire piston ring top face inside the ringland pressing it down (and out in some designs) improving ring seal.
The Skirt:
The piston skirt is the extension of the side profile of piston which controls the piston movement in the bore preventing it from wobbling around and controlling the angular forces present on the piston walls from the angular rotation of the crankshaft.

The Underside:
This part of the piston is exposed to the crank case and houses the wrist pin (connecting the piston to the rod) and exposed to the engine oil in 3 ways:
Oil collected by the oil retention ring (the bottom most piston ring) is routed through holes in the side of the piston to the underside to drain back into the crank case.
Oil sloshing around in the crankcase due to the crankshaft counterweights dipping in and out of the oil sump as well as oil forced up through the connecting rod up to lubricate the wrist pin (on forced oil pins).
On engines equipped with oil squirters under the piston, where oil is squirted on the underside to help cool the piston mass for longevity or racing applications, which in some situations may also allow for an overall thinner crown without sacrificing the strength of the piston and while reducing the overall weight of the package.


Materials used in piston are, for the most parts, either aluminium alloy or some form of cast iron. Various alloys of cast iron are used including the special form Meehanite.  A few engines use malleable cast iron. Pin carrier inserts are generally cast iron but sometimes are made of heat treated steel forgings. A few large assembled pistons have a separate crown made of either cast steel or a steel forging.
 The coefficient of expansion, the increase in size per degree of temperature increase of aluminium is approximately twice that of cast iron. This fact must be taken into account when determining minimum piston clearance.
 The heat conductivity, the rate of heat flow, of aluminium is approximately three times that of cast iron. The result is that an aluminium piston has less variation in temperature from top to bottom.

The density of cast iron is three times as much as aluminium. This does not mean that an aluminium piston weighs only a third as much as a cast iron piston because strength and heat transfer problems dictate that the metal sections of an aluminium pistons be made proportionately thicker.
Die Casting of Aluminium

Casting is the beginning of the piston. At the foundry the die is prepared by heating it to operating temperature for approximately one hour. This process allows the die to readily accept the molten material when it is poured.
   Process starts by heating the material to 700 degrees Celsius. This is well above the melting point of the aluminum, but below its boiling point. The material is then scooped up with a ladle from the crucible (the pot that holds the molten material). This is then poured into the die through the sprue. The material is then allowed to cool before it is removed from the die and placed into a bin of hot water. This water is used to facilitate a more even settling of the hot metal.

After the castings have had time to cool they are placed into a heat treatment plant overnight. This process tempers the casting and ensures the piston will have improved qualities.
After it is removed from the heat treatment the casting has its runner removed.
Process Parameters:
Dies used are 5 piece and three piece.
These dies are made from cast iron
Temperature: 700 degrees Celsius 

Pin Boring
At this stage of the piston manufacturing process the casting has the gudgeon pin hole rough machined and the locating bung machined. This process is where the casting is machined on the base to allow placement of the casting in other machines. This is carried out on a simple lathe.

The pin bore
    Pin boring is done in conjunction with the bung turning, as one casting is removed from having the bung face machined it is placed on the pin borer.
The pin borer is only a rough machining process which allows the reamer to enter the gudgeon hole later.
CNC Turning
Turning of the casting is carried out on CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machinery. This equipment is the most accurate and fastest available for this application with very tight tolerances and extremely fast spindle speeds.

        The castings are placed in the lathe on a bung and held in place by a solid rod through the gudgeon pin hole. A draw bolt is activated in the chuck which draws the rod toward the chuck and holds the piston in place.
    The lathe is then started and the machining cycle begun. This cycle is programmed into the lathe in a basic language called G-Code (this code is not the only one available). G-Code has basic commands to tell the lathe to move to certain positions (X,Y,Z co-ordinates), at particular spindle speeds (eg S2500 means spindle speed 2500rpm), at particular feed rates (eg G01; rapid traverse) and other commands such as M01 (repeat programmed) and others.
After the piston is machined it is removed from the lathe and the part number stamped on the crown (top) of the piston.
Machine specifications:
Machine used : CNC Lathe ECONO CNC 26.
Maker : HMT
Height of centres : 260 mm
Swing over bed : 575 mm
Swing over cross slide : 340 mm
Distance between centers : 1000 mm
Speed range : 40-2040 rpm

Process parameters:
Rough turning:
Speed : 25 m/s
Feed : 0.5 mm per rev
Depth of cut : 0.4 mm

The first stages of the finishing process include drilling, slotting, valve and crank relieving.
Drilling includes all oil holes in places such as the gudgeon pin bosses and oil ring grooves.
Slotting is where slots are placed in the skirt or in the oil ring groove.
Valve relieving
This process is done on a mill and involves setting the machine up for the process, choosing the correct cutter and completing the job. Since there are so many different types of valve reliefs it is impossible to have a specialised machine set up to do one job.
Crank relieving
Crank relieving is carried out on a specialised machine which scallops the skirt of the piston to the required shape and depth by using two opposed cutters placed on a common shaft.
    This process involves the final size being machined on the piston. The grinder machines the skirt of the piston only and in the majority of cases is cam ground. Cam grinding ensures the piston will "grow" evenly in the bore of the engine. A perfectly round piston will expand unevenly during use because of the uneven placement of material in the casting (gudgeon pin bosses and ribbing used for strengthening).
Machine specifications:
Machine used : CNC Grinding machine - PMT-AWH-100
Maker : PMT
Grinding length (max) : 1000 mm
Height of centres : 450 mm
Grinding diameter (max) : 450 mm
Grinding wheel diameter : 350 mm

Process parameters:
Rough Grinding:
Speed of wheel : 20 m/s
Feed of workpiece : 1 mm per min
Depth of cut : 0.05 mm
Finish grinding:
Speed of wheel : 40 m/s
Feed of workpiece : 0.5 mm per min
Depth of cut : 0.02 mm

    Final machining process for the piston is that of reaming. This process involves the piston being placed in a bath of oil and reamed at different sizes to reach the final size required. Since the pin boring process is only rough it is necessary to ream the pin bore a number of times to achieve the surface finish and size required. Reaming is not a fast process and is only partially automated (there are automatic feeds on the reaming machines). Tolerances achieved on the finished reamed surface is 0.4Ra. 

Radial drilling machine is used for performing reaming operation.
Machine specifications:
Machine used : Radial drilling machine - KML -40A
Maker : KML
Drill capacity (in steel) : 40 mm
Drill depth : 180 mm
Taper spindle nose socket :MT-4
No. of speeds and range : 6 (45-660 rpm)
Drill power : 10 KW

Process parameters:
Speed : 20 m/s
Feed : 0.1 mm per rev.

7.Pin Fitting and Final Inspection
At this stage the piston is cleaned, fitted with the appropriate gudgeon pin, stamped with the pistons' oversize and any other markings, and then sent to despatch.

Finally, the piston is wrapped and placed in the shipping container with the ring set and sent to the customer.


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